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Protection of personal data :

During the navigation on the site, the user may be required to communicate information concerning him.
This information, of a personal nature, is used to contact and exchange with the internal services of Sages Femmes Douvaine undertakes that the collection and processing of data, carried out from the site https://www.sages-femmes comply with the general data protection regulations (RGPD) and the Data Protection Act.

has.    Anonymous data collection:
No personal information relating to the identity of the user is collected without his knowledge.
Nevertheless, during the consultation of the site, certain user data are collected automatically:
. The IP address (this address allowing access to the Internet is assigned to the user's computer by its Internet service provider and this information, which changes according to the user's session, is not not personally identifiable);
. The address of the website from which the user is directly linked to the site
. The date and time of the user's visit to the website as well as the pages consulted
. The operating system of the user's computer as well as its navigation software    
Therefore, Sages Femmes Douvaine collects on this site anonymous data from users (or anonymous data), such as the pages visited and searches undertaken. These data are not nominative because they do not in any way allow the user of the site to be personally identified.
Sages Femmes Douvaine uses this anonymous information to improve the content of its site and to obtain overall statistics on consultations.

b.    Collection of personal data:
In order to access certain features and certain services, to contact and exchange with the internal services of Sages Femmes Douvaine,   the user may provide personal information such as his name, first name, email address , postal address, telephone number.
This information is collected using forms to be completed voluntarily by the user.
Sages Femmes Douvaine will not disclose to third parties the personal data transmitted by users via forms to be completed or automatic messaging. They will only be used for the purpose of exchanging as efficiently as possible.
When the user sends an electronic message to the site he may be required to communicate certain personal data. In this case, these personal data are processed and stored for a period not exceeding 5 years, for the sole purpose of communication with the user. No data is intended for third parties without the prior authorization of the user.
vs.    Security:
To protect the personal information that you communicate, Sages Femmes Douvaine uses all the security techniques at its disposal in the current state of technological advances. The Internet nevertheless remains an open network, so that Sages Femmes Douvaine cannot guarantee total security, in particular due to malicious third parties.

d.     Access rights:
The user has a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him.
For the exercise of these rights, the user must send a request through the  personal data form .

e.     Cookies and cookies:

We inform the user that, during his visit to our site, he can send a certain number of data to his computer which will be stored on his hard disk, in a file called a “cookie”. A cookie is an element used to record information relating to the user's navigation on the website. Its browser contains a function to refuse cookies (all useful details on the CNIL website). Refusing cookies will not prevent connection to our site but may limit its functionality.

If necessary, the user can refuse the insertion of these cookies by following the procedure indicated on his browser (see below the procedure to follow), according to the proposed methods that suit him best.

This choice can be changed at any time.

Social plug-ins or sharing buttons on social networks are likely,   to be present on our site, to allow access to the content sharing functionality with other people on social networks from our site or to inform these other people of their consultation or their opinion concerning content on our site (social plug-ins “like”, “share”, etc.).
By the mere fact of their presence, these social plug-ins, whether or not the user is also a user of social platforms, are likely to place cookies on their hard drive to track their browsing and identify their areas of interest.
The issue and use of cookies by these third parties are subject to their own privacy protection policies. We invite the user to read it in order to identify the purposes of use, in particular advertising, and the browsing information that they can collect thanks to the application plug-ins and thus make their choice. These protection policies must in particular allow the user to exercise his choice with these social networks, in particular by configuring his accounts for use of each of these networks.

In addition, to analyze the preferences of the user and, subject to his consent, invisible pixels or web beacons may be placed by a third-party service provider on some of our articles and messages to help us identify the pages consulted. , count display frequencies as well as the number of visitors, analyze traffic patterns and establish statistics for the most popular content.

Finally, audio and video recordings, podcasts and webcasts are available through third-party services. During possible access and subject to his consent, these third parties may place cookies on the user's hard drive to help us identify the most popular content.

The procedure to follow to refuse the insertion of these "third-party" cookies is as follows, depending on the browser used:

For Mozilla firefox:
1. Choose the “tool” menu then “options”
2. Click on the “privacy” icon
3. Locate the "cookie" menu and select the options that suit you
For Microsoft Internet Explorer:
1. Choose the “tool” menu then “Internet options”
2. Click on the "Privacy" icon
3. Select the desired level using the slider
For Chrome:
1. Go to the Chrome / Preferences menu
2. Click on “Show advanced settings”
3. Click on “Content settings…” in the privacy section
4. Click on “Cookies and site data…” in the new window
5. Click on “Delete all” and validate by clicking on “OK”
For Safari:
Go to the Safari / Preferences menu
Click on “Privacy”
In “Block cookies”, check “Always”

To find out about the options offered by any other browser software and how to delete cookie files stored in your terminal, the Cnil details on this link the steps to follow to limit your traces on the web  http ://  traces/les-cookies/conseils-aux-internautes/ie and, more generally, informs you about the mechanisms for setting cookies_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
By continuing to browse, the user consents to the use of these "third-party" cookies on our site.

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